Sunday, April 06, 2014

Tayag warns Boracay vacationers of summer health hazards


This summer season, the Department of Health (DoH) has advised the public the risk of heat stroke and other summer diseases that could lead to serious health complications.

In Boracay Island, Health Assistant Secretary Dr. Eric Tayag has cautioned the vacationers of health hazards this time of the year.

He advised them to limit their time spent outdoors and in the beaches. They have to avoid staying long under the sun between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to prevent heat stroke.

Heat stroke occurs due to long exposure to direct sunlight and when the body's temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down.

The signs of heat stroke are headache, rapid heartbeat, faintness, weakness, dizziness, convulsion, warm, very high fever of 41C and unconsciousness.

Last week, a 57-year old Chinese national identified as Yang Lin died of heat stroke while walking near Station 1 in Boracay Island. 

Tayag, DOH-National Epidemiology Center Director, also urged the public to drink plenty of water, wear light-colored and thin clothes and use sunblock lotion with high sun protection factor (SPF).

“Ang mga sakit ng summer ay may kinalaman sa interaction ng mga tao. This is the time when people go out and play and people have fun,” Tayag said. 

DoH also alerted the public of other heat-associated ailments such as sunburn, prickly heat, sore and boil commonly acquired during summer. 

Also, the public must be extra conscious on food safety and water sanitation especially on street-foods or those prepared when going outdoors or out-of-town trips. 

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