Saturday, May 22, 2010

Echoes From

Corona and his own person

Renato Corona took his oath last May 17 as the 23rd Chief Justice before President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
“Watch me,” said Chief Justice Corona who described himself as being his own person following criticisms of having been appointed through “midnight appointment” by MalacaƱang.
“Corona”, in Spanish refers to crown, which could also mean a trophy, garland, award, peak or laurels.
Indeed, Corona’s life is into a big journey. But, understand that people learned to become more fully aware of who they are and what they can do – that is what we should expect from the new Supreme Court Chief.
The instance of his appointment under rough waters allows him to come to the fullest extent of his possibilities – who he really is when he told us to watch him; and that’s what life does – teach us to be who we are.
Although it will take a while to get to know more about Corona and his person without realizing that it really is just about work in the Supreme Court – moment in, moment out and nothing in between.
After listening to Corona talked about not having problem with Senator Noynoy Aquino’s not taking his oath before him, I have come to the realization that the Chief Justice is rather capable of adjusting his crown and flexibility as a person.
This is, to me, a most welcome gestures from the person, sitting as the highest official of the highest court. Filipino must be proud of themselves, because Filipinos never abandoned old skills and good traits. But for the rest who are pessimists, they will continue to keep watch Corona’s crown to fall.
We hope that we will rather continue to watch Mr. Chief Justice perform his role.
When a man of distinct honor and reputation tells us what he can do and what he is capable of doing, give him the chance and believe him the first moment he tells us. Not the 5th or 10th time. That is particularly true when it comes to situations like Corona’s.
So, then, let us turn our wounds spawned by recent political bickering into wisdom.
But the way, another meaning of “corona” is “prize.” A prize of the Filipino people from democratic process.
Let us all, therefore uphold the majesty of the judicial institution by respecting its Chief Justice.


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Respect has to be earned. Coming from a midnight appointment, it's difficult to give a such. He needs to demonstrate respect to judicial system first. I am not he is capable of it when the person who appointed him is one of the corrupt leader of a country in the world. Do you think he will allow prosecution of his appointer for all her garaft and corruption she did for the country? If the justice system can convict a poor beggar for stealing food at a market for necessity of surviving for the day, then surely we can prosecute a person for stealing billion of pesos from millions of Filipino people. Do you think Corona can do that? If yes, then he earned his respect, otherwise he is just a chief justice who does not belong in judicial system, and just wasting filipino taxpayer's money paying for his salary.

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Let us hope that Corona wont extend the hand of Gloria in amassing Boracay properties. There are clear signs that people who peddle influence, such as Baby Arenas, is currently on a land grabbing holiday in Boracay.
