Tuesday, April 27, 2010

'Aklan's development must go on' - Marquez

Aklan Governor Carlito Marquez, Vice Governor Gabrielle Calizo-Quimpo, Aklan Rep. Florencio Miraflores and Vicky Ramos-Antonino join the civic and military parade in the occasion of the 54th Aklan founding anniversary on April 25 / PHOTO BY BOY RYAN ZABAL

KALIBO, Aklan - Governor Carlito Marquez said the province of Aklan has satisfactorily achieved the development needs of its people - in the modernization of agriculture, intensified promotion of the tourism industry, and poverty alleviation through the expansion of social and health services.
"The perennial and seemingly insurmountable problem of limited resources did not deter us to achieve our goals; we were able to source the hundreds of millions of pesos for the needed infrastructures. Thus the fast-track development of agriculture and our tourism industry and the consequent generation of more revenues for government and for our people, more jobs and other sources of livelihood," the governor said.
Marquez stressed that this year's celebration of more than half-a century of provincehood has strengthen the individual and collective commitments to contribute to the growth and development of Aklan.
"And yet development is a continuing and endless process, I have built upon the strong foundation laid down by my predecessors but the building must go on," he added.
Aklan Rep. Florencio Miraflores, in his message, declared the province as among the most progressive provinces in the country as evidence by the first class status the Aklanons are now enjoying.
"All these progress are due in large measure to the industry, hard work, commitment and unity of our people. We have shown our forefathers that we are worthy sons and daughters by the things we have achieved in the past five decades and a half." he said.
Miraflores stressed the pursuit of development was not at the expense of marginalizing certain sectors, instead, the provincial government pursued programs and projects with the benefit consultation and the active participation of the people.
"Today we are still poised for a bigger take off - that of making our province prominent in the international arena. Our natural blessings combined with our arts and culture harnessed by our people to its best, sustainable advantage can make us truly a progressive province," the solon said.
Vice Governor Gabrielle Calizo-Quimpo also said Aklan had been enjoying the fruits of unified political leadership that further enhances and fasttrack the economic and social development of the province and people.
"First, Aklan has been upgraded into a first class province as the provincial government has generated annual revenues far above the level required for such classification. Second, the provincial government is now operating on an annual budget of about a billion pesos with more funds earmarked for economic, social and infrastructure projects for the people," he said.


  1. let me reiterate, it should be imperative that we should have our very own sustainable power plant and because we have God's own gift to the people of Aklan the Akean! all we have to do is to harness the already available energy from it. from physics energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be transformed! meaning all we have to do is harness, i said harness not transform the energy of Akean to electricity without ever burning any kind of fuel at all! ergo, no pollution! a hydro power plant is not only a simple beaver dam, it is an effective flood control system, an irrigation system, a water system and of course cheap electricity because it does not use any kind of fuel at all. just think about it, the late Gov. Godofredo P. Ramos saw that vision ages/ eons ago now then why can't our present leaders see it the way a late great leader saw it is well beyond me. just ask people from Libacao, we may be at the height of the el nino season but what the heck they still get a regular rainfull in their kabukiran and our Akean never goes "astan" , ergo to conclude we have a sustainable readily available energy source staring right under our nose we we and our leaders are not doing anything about can be considered a cardinal sin!!!

  2. Anonymous3:16 AM

    matsa 3 dag-on eon ro naka lipas tag si frank hay nag huramentado ina sa Aklan. pero owa guihapon it na-aw ro promisa ni cong. joeben miraflores parte kuno sa "flood control project" it akean. siguro guina hueat pa ni cong. joeben ro pag abot ni frank junior puerabel mag hueag.

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    "The perennial and seemingly insurmountable problem of limited resources did not deter us to achieve our goals; we were able to source the hundreds of millions of pesos for the needed infrastructures".
    Who wrote this speech for the governor because only an ignoramos would believe that statement. Aklan has billion pesos annual budget and you're telling us we have limited resources? Maybe all that resources are being pocketed and hid outside of our provine. What infrastructure are you talking about? Schools in Aklan are still in very poor conditions, Aklan River is still a disaster waiting to happen in the upcoming typhoon season, roads and bridges still have huge potholes all over (hopefully politicians luxurious SUV's run over those potholes), and kalibo still look like a ghetto. Mr. Congressman, you have failed your predecessor leaders because they have accomplish a lot with very minimal budget and resources, without the Boracay revenue.
