Saturday, March 20, 2010

Echoes From

GMA Tribute to a lasting legacy

President Gloria Arroyo, unmindful that she has less than four months left in her six-year term, is not leaving the presidency without a lasting legacy of performance. No matter what critics say, she has continued to pursue her vision of good government, a tribute to her deep sense of history.
Incensed over dwindling state revenues, President Arroyo has decided to form an independent three-man committee to review, assess and internal revenue.
What makes the committee distinct from other similar bodies is that it will be a private sector-led, including a media representative, and headed by a retired member of the judiciary.
Taxes are the lifeblood of the national economy. They are used to build roads, schools and other infrastructures as well as maintain law and order.
The World Bank has estimated that over 500 billion pesos is lost annually due to tax evasion and smuggling. So huge are the foregone revenues that if they are collected, there’s no need anymore to incur foreign loans and avoid mounting debts.
President Arroyo is disturbed that a surging number of tax evasion and smuggling cases handled by the BIR and BoC had been dismissed by the judiciary or resulted in a decision unfavorable to the government.
As part of its mandate, the committee is tasked to determine the causes, both at the administrative and judicial levels, of the dismissal or unfavorable judgment of the courts and submit recommendations.
What’s significant about President Arroyo’s administrative order is her recognition of media’s role in government’s tax collection efforts.
As Publishers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (PAPI) president, a vigorous, purposive and determined media campaign makes the difference in the success or failure of any government undertaking.
Certainly, PAPI will try to chip in any modest efforts to ensure that the committee will accomplish its mission.
NOTE : A tribute in honor of Ronquillo Tolentino Cunanan Tolentino, an exemplary journalist, public servant, educator, historian, advocate of press freedom and family welfare will be held today, March 20, in Kalibo, Aklan during the 2nd anniversary of Kapihan sa Aklan.
The event will be presided over by Press Secretary Crispulo Icban, Jr., as guest of honor and speaker. Key leaders of Aklan, media practitioners, and special guests from Manila will be attending.

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