Thursday, January 25, 2007

The STATE OF THE PROVINCE ADDRESS delivered by Aklan Governor Carlito S. Marquez during the 4th Regular Session of Aklan Sangguniang Panlalawigan on January 24, 2007

WE are continuing our march, towards the highway to economic prosperity and social progress!
The roadmap provided to us by the united political leadership of this province is being pursued with vigor and determination, to succeed.
Soon, we shall reach our destination. We are winning the war against poverty and economic deprivation, for our people.
This will be my third and the last term in my first term, State of the Province Address, and whatever the Almighty God wanted me to do from hereafter, that, I shall do!
Let me express, therefore, my gratitude to the honorable members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan under the stewardship of Vice Governor Kel for this opportunity to render a full accounting of the performance of this present provincial administration including our plans for the future for Aklan in compliance with the Local Government Code.
Late last year, a natural calamity struck our province and people dampening our development efforts.
The devastation wrought by Typhoon Seniang was so great and wide, the strongest in two decades, bringing damages worth about half a billion pesos to crops, fisheries, livestocks, infrastructure, government and public buildings, while killing six people, injuring many and rendered thousands of families homeless whose dwellings were partially or totally damaged.
We must think this chamber for its immediate action by declaring a province wide state of calamity on December 10, 2006. A Sunday, a day after Seniang struck, through Resolution No. 06-462, and authorized your provincial servant to release funds for relief, rescue and rehabilitation efforts.
Subsequently, to mitigate the sufferings and assuage the pains being experienced by the Typhoon victims in the province, we promptly distributed relief goods worth P500,000.00.
The field office in Region VI of the Department of Social Welfare and Development also sent foodstuffs and used clothing worth P350,000.00 while the field office of the Department of Health in Western Visayas sent to us assorted medicines worth P67,500.00
The provincial government and the Congressional District Office of Congressman Joeben T. Miraflores are now readying releases of funds for emergency shelter assistance for thousands of families rendered homeless.
The provincial government will assist those displaced in Malay and Buruanga where some 962 families had been rendered homeless at P2,000 each, or a total of some P1.92 million.
Congressman Joeben will take care of the homeless families in Nabas and Ibajay numbering 1290. Also at P2,000 each, or a total financial assistance of P2.58 million.
Aside from the relief and emergency shelter assistance, we released P1.5 million for the much needed repair and rehabilitation of our infrastructure facilities, particularly our Jetty ports and terminals in Barangay Caticlan and Cagban, Boracay.
We also provided P1 million worth of tarpaulin which he used as temporary roofings for school buildings in many school sites in Ibajay, Nabas, Malay and Buruanga.
To recall, we have also to spare financial assistance for our brothers and sisters in Quezon and Bicol provinces hit by landslides and mudslides. We released P250,000 for each province.
We thank this august body for the speedy review, passage and approval of the 2007 annual budget of the provincial government through marathon sessions on November 28, 29 and 30, 2006.
This is a record accomplishment. This was possible because of the prompt preparation of the executive budget by our Local Finance Committee with the Cooperation of our Department Heads.
Through Appropriation Ordinance No. 06-006, this chamber approved and enacted the General Fund Budget for 2007 carrying a total appropriation of P420,259,032 and through Appropriation Ordinance 06-007, this august body passed the 2007 Economic Enterprise Development Budget with total appropriations of P243,985,667.00 or a total of P664,244,699. The biggest budget so far in the history of Aklan.
Subsequently, through Provincial Ordinance No. 2006-033, this chamber likewise approved the list of development projects to be funded under the 20 percent Internal Revenue Development Fund carrying total appropriations of P73,161,225 as endorsed by the Provincial Development Council Resolution No. 5 Series of 2006.
About P135 million of the 20 percent IRA Development Fund will go to General Services sector to include Contractual Statutory and Special Projects and Activities, P4.7 million for Social Development and P33.4 million to economic development.
Our budgetary appropriations for this year under the General Fund increased by about P52.57 million over that of last year while our EEDD budget increased by P44.5 million.
In our revenue projections for 2007 under the General Fund, our provincial government has an IRA share of 87%, while local revenues composed of operating and miscellaneous revenues and local taxes account for 13 percent.
We are pleased to inform you that the national government has increased our IRA share of P367,675,848.00 million, higher by about P58 million compared to 2005 of only about P309 million.
The performance of the District Office of the Bureau of Internal Revenue in Aklan is very encouraging, evident of the good business and investment climate in our province.
BIR Aklan has collected P395.629 million, exceeding its last year target of P388.962 million by more than P6 million.
Of the total, about P108.115 million was collected in Boracay Island, about 67 percent higher than the 2005 collection of P64.4 million.
There is reason for us to be elated with the collection performance in our Caticlan and Cagban, Manoc-Manoc jetty ports and terminals.
Collections rose drastically during the past two years, P17.896 million in 2005 and almost doubled rising to P30.650 million last year.
There is not doubt indeed that the EEDD that we have both created and nurtured would be a success story for Aklan, and its people given another year of operation.
We pin our hopes in the real property tax assessments and collections with the completion of the General Revision provincewide.
Real Property Tax Assessments by the end of 2006 increased to P5.321 billion from the previous total assessed value of only P1.599 billion. This will translate to some P53.21 million total real property taxes collectible.
The amount will go fully to our Special Education Fund, from where we source our funds for the construction and repair of school buildings and facilities.
As well as, the hiring of our Local School Board teachers. Last year, we paid more than P3.0 million out of our Special Education Fund for the repair and maintenance of various school provincewide.
This will greatly help augment local revenues, with the recent computerization of real property tax assessment and collection at the provincial level with the towns of Kalibo, Malay and New Washington; we hope to improve on our collection efficiency through the years until we have fully computerized the real property tax assessments and collection in the whole province.
With the use of information technology in local governance or electronic governance and with the 100% completion of the database buildup for the computerization of the real property tax administration system, the province was able to identify delinquent accounts amounting to P96,276,252.30 for the Basic RPT and P192,552,504.60 for Special Education Fund.
Last year our local revenue generation project through real property tax assessment and collection had been adjudged outstanding in the region, with Altavas town as the most outstanding at the municipal level category and the province of Aklan at the provincial level category.
Our prudent fiscal management during the past two years in the provincial government enabled us to be able to fully redeem the P40 million bond floatation by the middle of last year.
This was elicited recognition from the Department of Finance that it has cited the jetty port and terminal project funded by the bond float to be one of the success stories for economic enterprises of local government units in the country.
We were also able to fully repay our outstanding remaining loans for our heavy equipment in the provincial equipment pool.
The tight watch over our provincial finances enabled us to religiously put up the counterpart funds for the P139 million-World Bank/Department of Finance Logofind project which is the upgrading of the structures and facilities of the Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital.
Along with agriculture, tourism still remains one of the anchor industries of the province of Aklan.
By yearend, the number of visitors in the resort island of Boracay surpassed the half a million mark registering 558,084 tourist arrivals, about 33 percent of which, or 183,385 are foreigners, 61 percent or 342,052 are domestic tourists and the rest, 30,197 are overseas Filipinos.
The total tourist arrivals for 2006 translate to P10.2 billion of tourism receipts, P4.9 billion contributed by local tourists and P6.3 billion by foreigners.
The 2006 arrivals increased by ten percent over that of 2005 which registered 499,487 visitors.
We continue to support tourism promotion and development activities of the different local government units, the likes of the Western Visayas Tourism Councils Assembly in October where LGU Kalibo romped off with several major awards.
In my first term, we have introduced major innovations in agriculture. In crops production particularly rice livestock production in the establishment of commercial plantations for abaca and carabao mango.
Started last year with the initial 66 hectares planted to hybrid rice in the town of New Washington, Aklan’s rice granary, we have expanded hectarage of rice farms devoted to hybrid rice production to 863 hectares to include project locations in Kalibo, Numancia and Makato,.
Rice hybridization resulted in the average rice production of not less than 150 cavans per hectare but some farmers realized yields of 210 cavans per hectare particularly in Barangay Cayangwan, Makato.
The rice hybridization program has trained a total of 39 farmers and at one time has produced a total of 1746 bags of F1 hybrid rice seeds distributed not only to local farmers but also to farmers of other nearby provinces.
Now, we are known in Western Visayas as the hybrid rice seed capital. To further strengthen this group of farmers engaged in hybrid rice seed production, we were able to access them to a bridge financing with the Land Bank of the Philippines for P2 million.
In livestock production, we are fairly successful in our artificial insemination of large animals. This project covers six municipalities where large animal population such as cattle and carabaos are quite high in number, also covering 50 barangays.
Last year, we have artificially inseminated a total of 357 cattle and 110 carabaos. From it, we produced calf drops or offsprings of 110 cattle and 25 carabaos, still in the pregnancy stage, are 48 cattle and 12 carabaos.
We will be buying these offsprings for our livestock production at the 8-hectare animal breeding center in Cayangwan-Tina, Makato, Aklan aimed to increase livestock production for commercial meat or for dispersal to our livestock raisers.
We are going to establish our own cattle fattening project to be included in the economic enterprise department.
As we aim to supply the requirement of our province with high quality meat or beef.
Officially launched late last year was our upland crops development program where we opted to maximize productivity through the establishment of plantations for commercial high value crops like carabao mangoes.
Out of the 37.5 hectares planted in 2005, we added another 16 hectares last year of mango plantations spread in seven municipalities with 44 farmer beneficiaries thereby generating employment for about 130 mango plantation workers.
The provincial government provided free quality planting materials, the grafted carabaos mango seedlings and technical assistance.
It is now time to make interventions in our abaca industry so that we could maximize add-on value to the traditional shipment of abaca fibers for export in bales.
But we must expand our abaca plantations first before we could even plan for abaca pulp factory intended to export abaca products in semi-processed and processed form to maximize income for our abaca farmers and traders.
Last year, we established more abaca plantations in four barangays in Libacao, the abaca capital of Aklan, two barangays in Madalag, one in Banga, and one in Ibajay with a total area of 113 hectares with 110 abaca farmer-beneficiaries.
We had already provided the beneficiaries with suckers to be able to start planting. We appropriated funds in our 2007 budget for this purpose out of our 20 percent IRA Development Fund, P2 million for the overall abaca development fund, P0.4 million for abaca tissue culture and production project and another P0.4 million for abaca pulp enterprises. We hope to establish an abaca pulp factory in the town of Banga in the very near future.
Our fishery sector already initiated the establishment of seaweeds demonstration farms and nursery projects in recognition that this marine algae has various uses, and has big market demand commanding high price in the international market.
These are located in both western and eastern parts of the province to determine viability because of the differing weather conditions in each of the location in Aklan.
These will be in Barangay Tambac, Poblacion, Polo, Cawayan, Ochando and Fatima in the municipality of New Washington with a total area of 760 square meters, barangays Santander, Bel-is and Alegria in Buruanga with a total area of 1800 square meters, and in Poblacion, Malay with a total area of 500 square meters.
As part of the fishery resource development through the coastal resource management, we installed last year 637 units of concrete artificial reefs in Barangay Polo and Tambac in New Washington, in Navitas and Camanci Norte in Numancia, Barangay Bel-is and Santander in Buruanga, in Baybay, Makato and Barangay Mabilo in Kalibo. We also established marine stock enhancement project, also in barangays Bel-is Buruanga with 6000 pieces of abalone.
Inspired by the Kalibo Bakhawan Eco Park, mangrove reforestation projects had been established in Guinbaliwan, New Washington and in Barangays Odiong and Cabugao, Altavas.
We continue to maintain our freshwater hatchery and demonstration farm in Barangay Nalook, Kalibo where tilapia fries and fingerling are being dispersed to beneficiaries engaging in fresh water aqua-culture while at the same time serving as demonstration field for aqua-culture technologies.
Last year, we dispersed 8000 pieces of catfish and hito fingerlings in project sites in New Washington, Tangalan, Numancia and Buruanga.
Some 16,130 pieces of Get Excel Tilapia fingerlings had been dispersed to fifteen farmers in various barangays engaged in tilapia raising.
Another project that would interest you all, is the cutflower plantation in Libacao, Aklan. We are doubling our effort to increase the plantation this year.
Our Mines and Ge-Sciences Division tasked to safeguard and regulate extraction of our natural wealth hidden beneath the bowels of the earth, under the EEDD, is closely monitoring the activities of our permitees not only to maximize collection of fees but also prevent destructive extraction activities endangering our environment. Most especially the erosion effect of the wild river along the river banks.
We have a total of 21 quarry permitees as of the end of last year, 17 for commercial sand and gravel, 2 for industrial sand and gravel, one for clay extraction and another one for small-scale mining of manganese. Permit holders are allowed to operate in the towns of Banga, Buruanga, Ibajay, Kalibo, Lezo, Madalag, Malinao, Nabas and Numancia.
This chamber had laid down rules and regulations including the imposition of fees for quarry permitees. Last year, we collected about two million pesos from the fees imposed by our provincial ordinance.
Per annual report of the Department of Trade and Industry Aklan Provincial Office, incremental employment for directly and indirectly impacted agency activities registered 5001, fifty-four percent higher than targeted for last year.
Industry sectors which absorbed the highest employment are the food processing and the loomweaving sectors.
Total investments poured in the province of Aklan amounted to P958.534 million or an increase of more than 157 percent than 2005 performance, P933.4 million of which came from some 1400 new businesses registered with the DTI. The great bulk of the investment figures came from new resorts and hotels in the resort island of Boracay.
Small and medium enterprises in the priority list of DTI realized sales income of P172.9 million, an increase of 14 percent over that of 2005’s P151.7 million. The loomweaving, food processing and the gifts and housewares sectors surpassed sales targets.
The quality of our products was further recognized when our loomwoven products acquired the quality seal from the Intellectual Property Office, the first for indigenous fabrics.
The Kalibo One-Town-One product in loomweaving was chosen as the regional model for Western Visayas.
Also as the top seller in Region VI and the 2nd top seller in the 1st Visayas Otop fair at SM-Cebu Trade Hall.
Our Provincial Employment Service Office is in the forefront finding employment and income opportunities for our people in the labor force.
Our PESO served a total of 4,596 clients last year, either applying for jobs, both local and abroad, or as applicants for NBI clearance and passports or pose queries on immigration and visa requirements.
It also entertains complaints from clients for accessing to the Department of Labor, Overseas Workers Welfare Administration and other matters involving Overseas Filipino Workers.
Fifteen duly licensed recruitment agencies conducted recruitment activities in the province for job vacancies abroad particularly in the Carribean countries, Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore, Kuwait and elsewhere.
Out of the 585 applicants, 194 were successfully deployed for jobs in the said countries majority of which were deployed in the Carribean country, remitting millions of dollars to our dear province, and pump priming our local economy.
We were able to launch the Filipino Migrant Workers Desk for the province, the first in Region VI, courtesy of a Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the OWWA represented by Administrator Marianito D. Roque and the province of Aklan represented by your governor.
TESDA in its community based training programs turned out a total of 1301 graduates in food processing, tourism trades, health and entrepreneurship programs, its school-based programs monitored a total of 1330 enrollees in 14 technical and vocational schools of which 509 had already graduated.
In March 2006, we launched the 16 Tindahan Natin projects in close cooperation with the Office of the Presidential Adviser for Job Creation, DSWD and the National Food Authority.
A total of 88 beneficiaries were identified for the Tindahan Natin project who were all accredited, 74 of whom were granted soft loans by the DSWD while the rest are self-funded.
Also funded by DSWD Regional Field Office, last year our PSWDO was able to extend a total of P1-million for the Self-Employment Assistance Kaunlaran Projects to seven SEA-k Associations in the towns of Malay, Makato, Malinao and Kalibo.
We are continuing to spruce up the physical and structural face of the seat of the provincial government, the provincial capitol buildings and grounds, the road network surrounding and accessing it including the perimeter fence.
Our infrastructure arm, the Provincial Engineer's Office, has spent about P20.3 million in facelifting the provincial capitol structures and grounds. The PEO is also set to construct the 3-storey building for our school of nursing our of the proposed loan of P35 million. Completed civil works at the new DRSTMH is about P114.361 million.
This year, we expect to fully takeover the operations of the seaport built and constructed by the Philippine Ports Authority in Barangay Caticlan, Malay, with the Memorandum of Agreement now being reviewed and finalized.
We will continue to pursue the construction of a national seaport in Barangay Navitas, Numancia, Aklan, also to complement the seaports we had in Batan, Dumaguit and Poblacion, New Washington and the seasport in Malay. We had already bidded out and awarded the task of preparing the feasibility studies for the Navitas seaport.
We also hope to fully operationalize as soon as possible the instrument landing system or ILS at the Kalibo Airport so that it can cater to direct regional flights from the different Asian capitals in support to our ever growing tourism industry. We are about to wind up with the completion of the ILS facilities.
Though this is a tall order, we have serious plans of linking Banga and Madalag through the construction of a bridge and the plans are now being readied by our PEO to include construction of farm to market roads in Libacao as support infrastructure to our expanded abaca plantations mainly located in the said town.
Still on-going projects in 2006 being undertaken by the PEO is valued at about P162 billion. Funding was sourced from supplemental budgets passed by this chamber for said purpose, capital outlays in our regular budget, 20 percent IRA Development Fund, School Board Funds, LGSEF of our province and the DOF's and World Bank's LOGO-FIND.
Last year, our PEO has completed the concreting of roads spanning 1,283 lineal meters bringing the length of provincial road network already concreted to 101,216 lineal meters, some 35.44 percent of the total provincial road length of 285,581 lineal meters. The condition of our provincial roads requires massive upgrading which we hope to do soon.
We must thank the Department of Public Works and Highways for the fairly well-paved national thoroughfares spanning from Altavas via Caticlan to Buruanga.
We have in this province, a total of 162.094 kilometers of national roads existing, 89.225 kilometers of which are already concrete roads, 53.495 kilometers are asphalt roads, and only 19.374 kilometers remaining as gravel roads.
We continue to pursue efforts for the utilization of indigeneous and renewable sources of energy, in our case, the might of our rivers system, the Aklan River particularly and its tributaries that can capably supply adequate hydro power for our province and even the region.
Feasibility studies for the utilization of the headwaters of the Aklan River at Barangay Dalagsaan, Libacao, Aklan as a source of a hydro power plant is currently being undertaken by California Energy an international firm.
The Department of Energy continues to maintain the headwaters of the Timbaban River at Barangay Maria Cristina, Madalag, Aklan as one of its priorities in the development of hydro-sourced power plants. However, both require long gestation periods before they can be fully operational.
We are confident that the two hydro power projects in Libacao and Madalag will be started this year.
We must be equally thankful to the Department of Agrarian Reform whose very novel concept of Agrarian Reform Communities as wholistic approach to social and economic development had proven to be very beneficial to our people particularly to those communities of agrarian reform beneficiaries.
The ARC concept brought multi-million peso investment not only to income and employment generation but also to infrastructure support facilities.
With 13 ARCs already launched as of last year covering 12 towns and 79 villages in the province, DAR through various national and international finance agencies had poured no less than P200 million to farm to market roads, irrigation projects and bridges in ARC covered areas.
That was for about 76.15 kilometers of farm to market roads, 27 projects in all with 19 already completed and 8 projects still on-going worth P142.732 million. It was also about nine irrigation projects servicing 1,666 hectares of rice farms with a total cost of P49.971 million to include three bridges with a total length of 1,316 lineal meters costing P7.868 million.
These infrastructure facilities greatly helped promote agrarian peace in ARC covered areas while providing more opportunities for greater productivity resulting in increased income and employment opportunities.
We are also particularly thankful to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for bearing with us as watchdog in the preservation of our environment particularly in our eco-tourism zones as members of the Provincial Task Force Kalikasan and Task Force Bantay Boracay.
We are, as ever, determined to improve in the delivery of health services particularly in our hospital system.
With the integration of the two district hospitals in Altavas and Ibajay and the Dr. Rafael S, Tumbokon Memorial Hospital into the EEDD, we are very hopeful that hospital operations can be self-sustaining with end-goal of delivering health services efficiently, adequately, and with human touch at least cost.
With the full operation of the upgraded and expanded Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital late last year, we hope to earn from hospital operations and said earnings to fully subsidize its budgetary requirements.
We are not abandoning the health indigency program of the LGU. As a matter of fact, we have maintained in our annual budget P8 million for free medicines and confinement of charity patients.
We are about to cover fully all the indigent families in Aklan under the universal coverage program of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation in partnership with Aklan Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores.
This chamber has just authorized the provincial government to enter into a tripartite Memorandum of Agreement relative to the implementation of the Medicare sa Masa program.
This will entail additional P5 million from the provincial government and the counterpart P5 million from the Provincial Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) of Congressman Joeben as the LGU premium counterpart for the universal coverage.
With the Ibajay District Hospital as referral hospital, the Northwest Aklan Inter Local Health Zone composed of the municipalities of Tangalan, Ibajay, Nabas, Buruanga, Numancia, Makato, Malinao and Malay was adjudged as the outstanding Inter Local Health Zone in Region VI, Aklan Provincial Health Board was awarded as the most outstanding, Libacao Municipal Health Office as the most outstanding MHO, Caticlan jetty port as Most Healthy Port and Outstanding New Born Screening Project was awarded to the Aklan Mission Hospital.
Under the upgraded DRSTMH, employees in the said hospital with regular appointments increased from 257 in 2005 to 383 last year with 46 physicians and the rest with the nursing services and the administrative staff.
With the completion of the fairly new structures of the DRSTMH, certain medical and diagnostic equipment had been purchased to make the hospital competitive, hospital equipment like the chemical analyzer, electrolyte analyzer, hematology analyzer and reagent refrigerator. Acquisition of the CT scan is now in the pipeline.
The hospital laboratory is a veritable source of income. Last year, some 109,408 laboratory examinations had been conducted inside the hospital or an increase of 14.2 percent over that of 2005.
To provide human touch in the hospital services, the nursing and administrative staff underwent training and efficient customer relations last year while the ER staff had undergone orientation on stress management.
The DRSTMH hosted two medical missions benefiting 97 patients who underwent medical and surgical treatment for free.
This is the result of our established linkages with Aklanons abroad, particularly, in the United States, who adopted the OB ward.
Our Health Indigency Program had served 9,670 patients compared to 2,859 in 2005 who were provided with free medical assistance worth P5.673 million aside from millions worth of free medicines.
We assure everyone that we have not the best doctors particularly surgeons in the provincial hospital supported by competent medical staff.
Through the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office, we helped individuals in crisis situation. We spent out of provincial government funds more than P600 thousand to some 395 indigent beneficiaries for medical assistance including other forms of financial assistance like burial, transportation, food assistance and emergency shelter assistance.
The past year had been generally peaceful for the province of Aklan and our people.
Crime solution efficiency of our police in Aklan for 2006 was 93.03 percent which is at par with other peaceful province.
At this juncture, may I acknowledge the honors given to us Aklanons by our local heroes who exemplified the best in our young people in the field of sports: in the person of our youthful wood pushers Mira Mirano, Susan Grace Neri and Jan Francis Mirano, high and long jumper Merily Teodosio and boxer Rob Montero.
They all made us proud in national and international sports competition.
While we hope to assist and strengthen our sports programs within the school system, we are determined to pursue parallel sports program under the aegis of the provincial government.
But we must consolidate and integrate all our efforts by revitalizing and institutionalizing the Provincial Sports and Physical Fitness Development Council. We have the Provincial School Board funds and the 20 percent IRA Development Fund as sources to initially lean on for our sports development program.
Under the responsibility of our PSWDO, we are consistent with our child welfare programs particularly in the implementation of the Early Childhood Care and Development funded with P23.57 million for the three year period from 2007-2009 for which 70 percent, or P16.5 million, comes from the council for the welfare of children and the rest to be shouldered by the province and the municipalities participating.
This is where the food for school program of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will be coursed thorough and we have targeted the towns of Tangalan, Buruanga and Lezo for this purpose.
We are also particularly concerned with the plight of our day allowance, we granted 425 of them P2,000 each as livelihood assistance.
We must, because they are the frontliners in caring for our children who are pre-schoolers under the roofs of the day care centers.
Our PSWDO continues to be the focal office for the implementation of the comprehensive integrated delivery of social services mainly funded by the DSWD with counterpart from the provincial government.
The same office is also responsible for other social programs for the welfare of the disabled and senior citizens, youth welfare and women welfare.
These social programs are further strengthened by a provincial ordinance passed by this chamber, the Family and Child Welfare Code, approved last year.
Parallel to this, with the PPDO as the focal office, we are setting aside funds from our 20% IRA Development Fund to strengthen our Gender and Development Program in the province and organize and institutionalize the GAD Commission and the operation of the Aklan Comprehensive Center for Women.
As a jump off from the fairly successful implementation of the UNFPA funded program on Reproductive Health for Aklanons in adolescent age, a separate unit is likewise handling our campaign against the spread of HIV/AIDS and our program implementation seems to serve as a model for other LGUs in the region and in the country.
The 6th Country Programme of assistance alone the province of Aklan has received international award thorough Ms. Maranatha Estrada - first prize winner of the Violet Richardson Award Young Woman Community Voluntarism.
Aklan is an international nominee to the Felipa awards of the International Lesbian and Gay Human Rights Commission. Also recognized internationally as best/useful practice on HIV and AIDS as featured in the UNAIDS website.
Last year, we fully operationalized two additional departments in the provincial government, aside from the EED, and these are the Provincial Population Office and the Provincial Cooperative Office.
As of last year, the provincial government, the largest bureaucracy in the province, has to contend with 801 regular plantilla positions, 972 casual and job order employees, the bulk of which are deployed in our hospitals, 18 contractual personnel.
Our PHRMO will have a lot to do in structural, organizational and functional streamlining to make the local government responsive and effective in the service of our people.
There will be a lot to do to change for the better work values and attitude and improve work efficiency and responsiveness for the good of our people. And, PHRMO was trying hard through the conduct of relevant trainings and seminars for our work force.
We are having the Provincial Cooperative Office to strengthen and reinforce the cooperative movement in this province as a vehicle towards a community where there is equity, democracy, social justice and sustainable economic development.
The Population Office was given its own identity to chart program directions on the improvement of demographic indicators affecting population for greater quality and productivity of our people.
And so, it will not be of concerned of population growth only but also with resource generation, networking and social mobilization, reproductive health and sustainable responsible parenthood and adolescent health and youth development programs.
In all these efforts, behind us is our Provincial General Services Office providing overall support services by being the custodian of all our properties and assets and so last year, all our provincial government-owned motor vehicles had been duly registered and insured.
The office helped us in the procurement of goods and services. Last year alone, it has procured hospital equipment and supplies worth P31.8 million and bidded out a total of 317 projects and services.
The beautiful face of the capitol grounds is also the office’s responsibility.
Providing us internal control and auditing and help us in sound fiscal management is our Provincial Accounting Office. Our brain and workhorse in setting program direction and building its framework through studies and researches and oftentimes set development policy directions is our Provincial Planning and Development Office.
May I again express my gratitude to the Honorable Sangguniang Panlalawigan with the Vice Governor Kel Tolentino at the helm for bearing with my executive governance of this province for the past two years and a half.
With 492 resolutions, 34 provincial ordinances, 7 appropriation ordinances passed last year, this chamber is indeed dynamic and made my job easy and smooth sailing. It has to be noted that many of those ordinances were considered historic and landmark local legislations.
I would like also to acknowledge the sincere and humble efforts of former Congressman Allen S. Quimpo in steering the directions as executive director of the Aklan Rivers Development Council. I was informed that the Master Plan for our Aklan Rivers System had been already finalized which may need the nod of this august body.
To include the water users fee, I think this will need the confirmation of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.
Abu guid nga saeamat!

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