Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Boracay Russians’ favorite resort

Da, da (Yes, yes), Boracay.
Russian tourists have given the thumbs-up to Boracay and the Philippines as among the top travel destinations for 2010.
Boracay and the Philippines won three of the 70 categories at the annual Travel.ru Star Award, an online poll among Russians conducted by the travel web portal Travel.ru http://zvezda.travel.ru/en_winners10.html
The award, considered the first consumer award in the Russian travel industry, selects the top travel agencies, hotels, resorts, airlines, countries and sources of information based on the online votes of thousands of Russian travelers.
Boracay won as best resort in the Southeast Asia and Island Resort categories.
The Philippines won in the Discovery of the Year category.
“Upon returning home from a business trip or vacation, many of these travelers fondly remember those whose services and hospitality not only met but surpassed their expectations,” according to Travel.ru.
It said the vote results “assist customers in choosing new travel destinations and travel industry experts who know how to help realize the travelers’ dreams in the best possible way.”
Russian tourist arrivals in Boracay have grown significantly in recent years, based on Department of Tourism data.
From a negligible number in 2007, Russian tourists numbered 3,041 in 2008 and 3,202 in 2009. Last year, 5,329 Russians made them among the top 10 foreign visitors to the island.

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