Sunday, May 09, 2010

PCOS machines testing went smoothly in Aklan

KALIBO, Aklan – The final testing and sealing (FTS) of the poll automated machines went smoothly in polling centers across the province.
The FTS in the towns of Banga, Balete, Batan, Altavas, Makato, Kalibo, Lezo, Madalag, Malay, Malinao, Nabas, New Washington, Numancia, and Tangalan yielded positive results.
Except for the towns of Buruanga in the polling precincts in Barangay Mayapay, Balusbos and Habana, Ibajay in Barangay Aparicio and Libacao in Barangay Casit-an, Dalagsa-an, Maytaraw, Loctuga and Taroytoy whose board of election inspectors (BEI) are testing the Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines on May 9.
The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has extended the deadline for the final testing and sealing of PCOS machines until May 9 or a day before the first automated election.

This after a number of the PCOS machines registered tabulation errors in mock polls last week. According to poll machine supplier Smartmatic, the CF cards failed to recognize the new layout of the ballot made by the poll body.
“The PCOS machines delivered in Aklan are of high quality except for reports of defective memory cards, error reading, no transmission cable and cable wire stepped by the voter. The new cards dispatched to the precincts were functioning properly,” said Melrose Lunn, provincial coordinator of Smartmatic.
At least 43 back-up PCOS machines and batteries are also ready for deployment along with reserved technicians in 329 polling centers in the province during emergency cases.
Lunn said 100% reconfigured compact flash cards were distributed to municipal election officers on Friday before the BEIs commence the final testing and sealing of PCOS machines.

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