Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yuchengco firm pushes wind energy tech

The Yuchengco Group, through its energy firm Petro Energy Resources Corp. (PERC,) is aiming to develop Philippine-made technologies from PERC's P5-billion Aklan and Pangasinan wind energy venture which can generate local wind technology patents.
While PERC has partners that are equipment providers based in Denmark, it is also on the lookout for the development of local equipment through company affiliates and potentially with government’s Engineering Research and Development for Technology (ERDT).
PERC is particularly developing local wind energy technologies through its research partner’ the Yuchengco-led Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT).
“Wind energy is a frontier area where we can develop cutting-edge technologies,” said an MIT official in an interview.
PERC is putting up a 30 megawatt (MW) wind power plant in Nabas, Aklan and another 30-MW wind plant in Sual, Pangasinan.
It has been awarded by the Department of Energy (DoE) a service contract (SC) for the two projects which will undergo a feasibility study over two-three years. These are the first two wind energy SCs awarded by DoE since the Renewable Energy Act or Republic Act (RA) 9513 was ratified last year.
PERC can take advantage of duty-free importation as an incentive provided by RA 9513 for wind power and other renewable energy. However, a potential equipment supply from local partners can save the company a significant amount of foreign exchange and generate jobs.
MIT is putting up an Intellectual Property (IP) office as part of an aim to obtain patents for technologies of which its main focus is on wind energy in relation to the ERDT, the official said.

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