Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dateline Libacao

The forthcoming Presidential Election

Looking at the results of periodic poll surveys on presidential aspirants it has become very apparent that either of the opposition bets and in this order namely; Noynoy Aquino, Manny Villar and Erap Estrada that is going to win this forthcoming May 2010 presidential election.
This is so because it is these opposition bets that had consistently got the top three (3) high poll survey ratings while administration bet Gibo Teodoro, Jr. merely ranks fourth in the race and who is very much way far below them.
And so, to these opposition presidential candidates this presidential election will virtually go to anyone of them and who could only probably accept defeat from among themselves but not from the administration bet – the “unpopular” Gibo Toedoro, Jr.
But as everyone knows, there are still other factors that interplay in winning elections and not only limited to popularity in poll surveys. And this is what Gibo Teodoro, Jr. is banking on.
That his being an administration candidate he claims to have a formidable political machinery that is capable of launching a nationwide campaign, that he has the resources of the present administration well behind him and the support of majority of town and city mayors and provincial governors leaving behind a handful of local leaders to be sparsely divided by several opposition presidential candidates.
This may sound logical and reasonable but it is very doubtful whether the oppositions would accept this kind of justification once by unexpected turn of events administration bet Gibo Teodoro, Jr. wins the elections. By all indications, it would be very hard for them and their loyal supporters to accept defeat in the hands of the administration. But rather they would most likely claim to have been cheated of the elections.
Inspired by the effectiveness of “people power” in the past in installing one to the presidency the oppositions might resort into mass protest actions that could result into what they call “failure of election”, a strange political scenario that is still unknown to us. What would that like be?
The oppositions had always been very doubtful of the forthcoming presidential election because they are of the convictions that former President Fidel V. Ramos won in 1992 by the operations of “bawas-dagdag” election fraud and President GMA by the “Hello Garci” election fraud in 2007.
That is why in this country no one loses in an election, only cheated!


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