Saturday, March 10, 2007

First men’s movement in Western Visayas opposing VAW launched in Aklan on Women’s Day

KALIBO, Aklan - The first-ever movement in Aklan and in Western Visayas composed of men opposing Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) was launched here during the province’ March 8 celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s Month.
Called the Aklan MOVE (Men Opposed to Violence Against Women and Children Everywhere), the organization will be the core group of gender-sensitive men who are anti-VAW advocates from both the public and private sectors.
The group will take on the challenge to lead other men and women in the advocacy to end VAWC.
It is seen that involving men in the advocacy is a crucial response to end VAWC as studies show that men are mostly the perpetrators of violence and abuses against women and children.
Installed by Aklan Governor Carlito S. Marquez as one of the highlights of the celebration of Women’s Month of the province, Aklan MOVE’s AD HOC Committee is chaired by Hon. Franklin Quimpo, Aklan SP member and president of the Aklan League of Philippine Councilors (PCL), with Engr. Lucio Sta. Maria from the Provincial Health Office (PHO) as Co-Chairman.
Members who also made their commitment to Aklan MOVE include Aklan SP members Ananias Solina, Ramon S. Gelito and Santiago Regalado; Aklan Police Provincial Office (APPO) Provincial Director Benigno Durana and heads and representatives of government agencies, non-government oroganizations, student leaders and the academe.
Before Governor Marquez who installed them and major Aklan officials like Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores and Guest Speaker, Judge Marietta Homena Valencia of the Regional Trial Court, local government officials, members of the Aklan Gender and Development Commission (AGADC) and women’s groups from various municipalities, the Aklan MOVE officers and members committed themselves to speak out against VAWC, encourage other men not to commit or condone VAWC and never to be silent on VAWC, encourage other men to join the advocacy against VAWC and establish a resource network on it.
In leading Aklan MOVE, SP member Franklin Quimpo said they hope that their united voice in Aklan is more than enough to stop VAWC.
“We will work with all men of all ages to stop VAWC," Quimpo vowed.

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